Posts in Yoga & Meditation
The Chakras Explained


The word Chakra means ‘wheel’ in Sanskrit. Thousands of years ago, yogic scriptures depicted seven energetic centers in the human body that relate to different characteristics of our human experience - physical, emotional and spiritual. Ancient yogis used to sit in meditation for very long periods of time to keep the energy flowing freely through the chakras!

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5 Tips to Starting a Meditation Practice

how do I start a meditation practice?

Meditation has become a buzz word in the wellness community lately and for good reason! Science is just scratching the surface on how a daily meditation practice can positively change our brain structure, reduce stress and anxiety, improve our health and even increase compassion within ourselves.

When I started trying to create my daily meditation practice years ago I must admit, it was a rocky start. I would go a few days, lose momentum, become frustrated then forget about it. Starting your practice doesn’t have to be this way!

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