Connect Deeper With Your Cycle
the HISTORY OF OUR menstrual CYCLE
For a very long time, women have been taught to see their menstrual cycle as a burden or something they need to hide or be ashamed of, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Hundreds of years ago, women used to be revered for their connection to the earth and their intuition because of their menstrual cycle. Women were deeply honoured and respected for their ability to create life and for their wisdom and insight.
In the masculine structured world we live in today, a lot of that ancient wisdom has been lost or forgotten. Instead, we have been taught that there is only one speed we should all be operating at. We constantly push and force no matter what phase of our cycle we are in. We are taught that we should have the same level of energy and drive every day because that is how our world operates.
In our world, productivity and producing is how we value our worth. I can’t tell you how many clients I have worked with that are scared to create more space and rest in their life because they fear they will become lazy or unproductive. Becoming ‘behind’ is a deep fear that may of us have and it disconnects us from our bodies, nature and the present moment.
This fear is what keeps up pushing when our bodies tell us it’s enough. It is what creates hormone imbalances and disconnects us from our cyclical nature as women. Working in this way can lead to intense PMS symptoms, burnout and actually decrease our energy and productivity in the long run.
your cycle is your superpower
Our menstrual cycle is our ability to connect with ourselves and the world around us on a deeper level.
As women, we are not linear beings. Our bodies work on a different clock. We are cyclical creatures that ebb and flow with the rhythms of the earth and the moon. Our bodies and energy go through cycles each month that allow us to have a deep connection to our intuition and create life.
My life truly changed when I started to work with my cycle instead of against it. My hope is that this information sparks some curiosity within you about how you too can connect deeper to your cycle. There is so much power within just waiting to be unlocked.
The four phases of your cycle
phase one : inner spring
Follicular phase - The Maiden
This is the first phase of your cycle that starts on day one of your period up until ovulation (around 11 days). During this phase, the hormones estrogen, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) begin to increase. This is the time of the month when your ovaries are preparing the egg. FSH stimulates one of the follicles to mature.
With the increase in these hormones, you will likely feel a boost of energy and excitement. You may feel an increase in confidence, sex drive and willingness to take risks and try new things. This is a great time of your cycle to PLAN out your month. Use this forward energy to allow new ideas to emerge and get creative! Brainstorm, plan and schedule social events during this time.
phase two : inner summer
Ovulatory phase - The Mother
The second phase is the shortest phase only lasting 2-3 days (day 12-17 of your cycle). This is when hormones peak and the egg is released from the follicle. This is the time of the month when you are most fertile.
During this phase, you may feel more confident and radiant. High energy might occur and you may feel more outgoing or extroverted. This is a great time to plan those important presentations, conversations or social events. If you have job interviews or public speaking events this is your time to shine. This phase is also a good time to do more high intensity workouts since your hormones are supporting you with extra energy.
*Be careful for your desire to do everything. Over doing it can lead to PMS and burnout in the following phases.
phase three : inner fall
Luteal phase - The Wild Woman
The third phase can last from 12-16 days (day 17-28 of your cycle). Estrogen decreases and progesterone begins to increase to prepare the uterine lining for the implantation of the egg.
During the first week of this phase, you might still be riding the wave of ovulation and feel upbeat and energized. This is a great time to get organized, nest and get through the rest of your to-do list. The second week is where you will start to feel the effects of the hormones dropping and PMS symptoms may become more prominent. This is a good time to rest, indulge in more self-care and gentle movement like yoga.
phase four : inner winter
Menstrual phase - The Crone or Wise Woman
If the egg is not fertilized, estrogen and progesterone both drop and the uterine lining sheds. This creates your period.
During this phase, take the pressure off of yourself to be at 100% and give your body the care and nourishment it is yearning for. Your body is going through a lot! Salt baths, rest, nourishing foods and lots of sleep are the best medicine. Take time for self-reflection, journaling and connecting to your intuition during this phase as it is the most potent at this time.
accepting who you are
Connecting with our cycle is an ever-evolving journey that allows you to dive deeper within. I truly believe that living in alignment and accepting our cyclical nature allows us to harness our feminine energy and accept all parts of ourselves.
Just because we flow in a cyclical nature that is different from the world around us, doesn’t make us less worthy.
Our cycle reminds us that our worth is not based on what we produce and create.
It reminds us of the deep connection we have to nature. We are the microcosm of the macrocosm. Just as the earth moves through cycles, so do we.
our cycle reminds us that even in the depths of the cold and seemingly harsh winters, spring is always just around the corner.
What parts of your cycle are you being asked to embrace?
What is your body calling for more of?
If this post resonated and you’d like to dive deeper into connecting with your cycle, you can access my Work with the Moon & Master your cycle workshop here. In this workshop you will receive a 60-min lecture + a 10-page workbook full of nourishing foods, practices and info to support you in each phase of your cycle.
Looking to dive deeper into connecting with your cycle and intuition?
I currently offer intuitive health coaching sessions and 1-on-1 programs to help you connect to your body on a deeper level. I invite you to check out my health coaching page or you can let me know here what you’d like support with.
Much love,