Three Roadblocks on Your wellness Journey
Looking to create a healthier lifestyle but don’t know where to start?
Many of us get stuck on where to start when it comes to making changes to our health. Most of the time we know what we need to do, but it can be hard to take that first step.
We know we need to exercise, drink more water and eat more fruits and vegetables, but why do we hold ourselves back from making these changes?
Here are the top three roadblocks I see when working with health coaching clients.
Lack Mentality and Mindset
You don’t know how many times I’ve heard clients say, “I can’t do it or I’ll never be able to get to X weight, I’ve tried everything already”. Coming from a place of lack will only keep you feeling stuck. Let’s break that negative thought loop!
Let’s try shifting our mindset to focus on what we want to happen. What does it look like? How does it feel? Come back to this feeling daily and keep focusing on it. You can use visualizations or meditations to help you with this. Whatever works for you to keep you in that feeling. Our mind is such a powerful tool and switching the script can create huge change in our lives.
When you come from a place of gratitude and abundance, you attract more of that into your life. Keeping your energy and attention on what you want to happen will allow your subconscious to accept that it is possible and in fact, already happening. I love incorporating journalling, guided meditations or visualizations into my morning routine and I also find writing down my goals as if they have already happened really helps. Find what works for you!
The All or Nothing Approach
A lot of times I see a perfectionist mentality with my clients (I too am guilty of this!). They want to give it 100% and don’t want to start until it is the absolute right time where they can implement everything at once. The problem is that there is no ‘right’ time and this approach holds us back from even beginning. This can look like: “I will start next week or month..”, “I will work out 5 days a week starting on Monday”, “I’m going to have this piece of cake, but then I won’t eat dinner”. One week turns into a month, two months, three months..
Setting unrealistic expectations for ourselves leads to procrastination and eventually to shame and guilt when we haven’t gotten to where we want to go. This becomes a loop that can be hard to break for a lot of people, but I’ll let you in on a little secret. It doesn’t matter WHERE you start. It only matters THAT you start.
Health is not a sprint, it is a long distance race that takes time and effort. Yes you will make mistakes, but what matters is that you continue to get back on the horse. This is why I find health coaching so powerful. We work together over a period of time to help you create small changes that lead to big results and lasting change.
There’s a saying that I love and it is ‘how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.’ Small steps create great change. Be gentle with yourself and allow the process to work its magic.
Fast-Track or Quick Fix Solutions
There’s a reason the diet industry is a multi-billion-dollar industry, if it worked, people wouldn’t need to go back! The diet industry is built on restrictive and quick fix solutions that are hard to maintain long term. Sure, you may see results in the beginning, but studies have shown that majority of people end up gaining the weight back over time. This is because quick fix solutions are not sustainable and only focus on one area of your life. The food on your plate.
We are more than just the food we eat. Health is multi-faceted and creating healthy habits that last long-term affect all areas of your life. In fact, some of the most important areas are off your plate such as relationships, sleep, stress, exercise, career and more. This is why I take a holistic approach with my clients by looking at all areas of their life, both on and off their plate that contribute to their overall health and well-being.
Usually, the root cause to your health roadblocks and frustrations don’t stem from where you might think. In working together, I help you find these connections so you can break through your roadblocks and create a healthier you.
I truly believe that building a solid foundation and creating healthy and sustainable changes are the keys to lasting health. This is exactly why I created my custom three and six month 1:1 health coaching programs - to help you get to where you want to go!
If you are interested in learning more about how a health coach can support you in making positive changes to your health and well-being, head to my health coaching page to learn more.
Of course, I am always here if you have any questions.
Warmly xo